
Welcome to your tinnitus exploration page, where we will introduce tips for resolving your tinnitus. First, check with yourself.

About Tinnitus

About Tinnitus

Tinnitus = not a disease, tinnitus = one of the physiological body sensations.

There is a big misconception that having tinnitus means you are sick. First, we need to clear up this misconception. I have experienced a lot of tinnitus myself, and I still do. However, I do not consider it a disease.

Just as you might feel that your shoulders are stiff today or you have no appetite, tinnitus is merely one of the physiological sensations indicating your body’s current state.

Of course, just like how shoulder stiffness or decreased appetite can sometimes be early symptoms of some disease, tinnitus can also sometimes indicate such conditions. However, most tinnitus cases are not diseases. Nonetheless, self-diagnosis is prohibited. Accurate diagnosis through a hearing test to check for the presence and degree of hearing loss is necessary. In fact, among the patients who came to our clinic with tinnitus as their main complaint, many were found to have patulous eustachian tube, even if other clinics had said there were no abnormalities.


Where do you feel the sound?


Where do you feel the sound?
・Clearly feels like it is coming from the ear
・Is it from the left ear or the right ear?
・Is it heard in both ears? Are the sounds in both ears different, or exactly the same? Are there common sounds and different sounds?
②2. Heard outside the ear: head noise (atamanari)
・Felt in a part of the head, especially the brain: buzzing, ringing, cicada-like sound
・Around the head: felt in the body down to the neck; does it change or get induced by body movement or neck movement?


What kind of tinnitus is it?


① Continuous sound in the ear: buzzing, ringing
②Sensed in the ear as something other than continuous sound
・Rhythmic sound: pulsating like a heartbeat, could be physiological or pathological blood flow
・Clicking like a spasm
・Muscle spasms connected to the eardrum and ear bones: the muscles connected to the eardrum and the eustachian tube (the tubular organ connecting the middle ear, which is the space behind the eardrum, to the back of the nasal cavity)


When did it start to worsen or become bothersome?


One person mentioned, “I started to notice it two months ago.” Upon checking, “I suddenly stopped the exercise I had been doing consistently around that time for no reason. That’s also when my snoring started to get worse.” In many cases, when tinnitus is suddenly noticed or worsens, there is some underlying cause. It requires exploration from various angles. In cases of stress or fatigue, people often push through while they are trying hard, but once they relax and feel relieved, they start to notice the tinnitus.


Is it just a little bothersome, or is it very distressing?


Ear fullness (jihikan: a feeling of the ears being blocked, a sensation like being underwater, a roaring sound) The term “ear fullness” is a technical term, but in practice, people express it differently, so caution is needed. Some people describe it as ear fullness when they have tinnitus or hearing loss. In otolaryngology, when there is no hearing loss and no earwax blockage, there are mainly two conditions where people complain of ear fullness:
1. Eustachian tube dysfunction: The mucous membrane of the eustachian tube is continuous with the mucous membranes at the back of the nasal cavity and the pharynx. When the mucous membranes swell due to allergic rhinitis or pharyngitis caused by a cold, the mucous membrane of the eustachian tube also swells. As a result, the eustachian tube narrows, creating negative pressure in the middle ear, limiting the mobility of the eardrum, which results in a blocked feeling. In mild or temporary cases, swallowing can alleviate it (ear popping).
2. Patulous eustachian tube: When in a state of stress, exhaustion, or sleep disturbance, the activity of the muscles regulating the eustachian tube can decrease, causing the eustachian tube to remain open. This results in the pressure in the middle ear being the same as the pressure in the nasal cavity or the external environment. Normally, the eustachian tube should be closed to maintain a constant pressure in the middle ear. When this pressure is lost, it creates a feeling of discomfort in the ear, such as a blocked sensation or a feeling of being underwater.


Are there any accompanying symptoms with the tinnitus? Or is it really tinnitus?


First, you need to identify if there is tinnitus. Then, determine how bothersome it is. These are the key points. Many people suddenly become aware of it one day, though it likely existed before they noticed it. As mentioned earlier, tinnitus itself is often a physiological sensation and not pathological. In such cases, you can either wait and see or, if you want to be sure, have a hearing test at an ENT clinic. If there are no abnormalities, that is the end of it. However, if the symptoms are severe, highly bothersome, or causing significant anxiety, they themselves become the target of treatment.

Specific Precautions


What types of tinnitus require immediate medical attention?


①If you experience ringing in the ears along with a noticeable loss of hearing. If it recovers quickly, it is likely a temporary physiological response and not a concern. However, if the sound subsides and the hearing loss continues for more than a day, it is necessary to check for sudden hearing loss, such as sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
②If the symptoms are intense and severe. Many pulsatile tinnitus cases are physiological. However, in the more severe cases of patulous eustachian tube, individuals may be acutely aware of it. In rare instances, it can be related to cerebrovascular issues.
③If sudden hearing loss in one ear was treated but did not improve, worsened over time, or deteriorated again after treatment. In rare cases, an acoustic neuroma might be present. This tumor grows very slowly, so caution is necessary.


What are the related conditions?


The following conditions often overlap, and tinnitus or ear fullness frequently co-occur. Ear disorders involve the entire related apparatus and can create imbalances in the brain’s sensory systems. Additionally, overall bodily imbalances manifest as various ear symptoms. In this sense, the ears function as an alarm system for bodily imbalances.
1.Gender-Related Conditions
A:Common in Women:
①1. As a symptom of menopause: In Japanese individuals, common symptoms include stiff shoulders, easy fatigue, headaches, hot flashes, back pain, and abnormal sweating. Tinnitus is closely related to these symptoms
②Hormonal imbalances specific to women: Some women experience tinnitus, dizziness, and headaches as menstrual symptoms. Young people taking birth control pills have increased rapidly. This resembles the “chicken or the egg” situation. Birth control is used to treat menstrual symptoms, but sometimes this treatment overlooks and potentially worsens the underlying imbalance of mind, body, and lifestyle.
③Iron deficiency anemia: This is often overlooked in general health check-ups. If experiencing fatigue or shortness of breath with minor exertion, check the blood ferritin level. Ferritin reflects stored iron in the body. If the level is below 50, iron supplements are necessary. Conversely, high levels may indicate inflammation or conditions like cancer.
④Autonomic nervous system disorder: Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, stiff shoulders, and insomnia. It involves an imbalance between the sympathetic (arousal) and parasympathetic (relaxation) nervous systems. Prolonged stress can lead to a state where the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, contributing to the cycle of tinnitus
⑤Sensitivity to cold: People with unstable autonomic balance are often prone to stress and poor peripheral blood flow, feeling cold, having shallow sleep, and low energy.
⑥6. Weather-related symptoms: Changes in atmospheric pressure and weather can cause tinnitus or ear fullness. The body has homeostasis, like maintaining body temperature despite external temperature changes. Similarly, healthy bodies maintain internal pressure and humidity despite weather changes. When vitality is low or imbalanced, these external changes can affect the body, leading to weather-related symptoms.
B.Common in Men
①Loss of purpose: People often seek a sense of purpose. After retirement, those who lived for their jobs may feel lost. Not paying attention to their emotions previously, they can become quite distressed. In some cases, it might require psychiatric help for depression, but often, proper approaches can help overcome this without relying on medication
②Lack of exercise: Increased remote work due to COVID-19 has led to a lack of exercise. This can result in shallow sleep, slower metabolism, and various sensory issues, including worsened tinnitus. Severe snoring might indicate sleep apnea
③Energy imbalance: Losing a sense of purpose after retirement can lead to unspent energy causing anxiety and fear, pushing one into a destructive cycle. COVID-19 has also isolated many elderly, exacerbating this issue.
④Temporary tinnitus after eating: Sudden tinnitus and hearing loss that quickly subsides often relate to food intake. The onset can vary from minutes to half a day after eating. Sensitive individuals might identify a specific food trigger, like fried foods or additives.
2.Age-related hearing loss and tinnitus
Hearing loss progresses with age, particularly in high-frequency sounds. As the inner ear’s function declines, more people become aware of tinnitus. The brain’s auditory center becomes confused with reduced sound input, and anxiety or fear of hearing loss can exacerbate tinnitus. Hearing aids can often help by increasing sound input to the brain, reducing tinnitus discomfort
3.Sleep disorders:
Many with tinnitus also have sleep disorders. The saying “chicken or the egg” applies. Many claim tinnitus prevents sleep, but often, the underlying cause is a state of exhaustion leading to heightened awareness of pre-existing tinnitus. Severe snoring might indicate sleep apnea

Main Treatments Offered at Our Clinic

Tinnitus can arise from various causes, making an accurate diagnosis crucial. Based on this, we provide appropriate treatments


Enhancing Understanding of the Condition through Consultation

From the initial consultation to follow-up visits, we gradually explore and enhance understanding of the condition. For those who live far away, online consultations are also available. The initial goal is to help patients understand the progression of their condition, leading to acceptance and comprehension. Eventually, this understanding becomes intuitive (a stage where it ‘clicks’). At this point, symptoms may improve or disappear. The time it takes to recover varies depending on the course of the condition and the patient’s approach. During the initial consultation, we conduct a brief counseling session. For those interested, we also offer mindfulness meditation sessions that can be continued at home.



If patients wish to take medication, we prescribe Kampo (traditional Japanese herbal medicine) tailored to their constitution. In mild cases, this alone may lead to improvement. Kampo medicine is prescribed considering the patient’s constitution, and we may also reference abdominal findings (fukushin). Additionally, for those who prefer it, we prescribe medications such as Adehos Kowa granules (to improve blood flow and metabolism) and Methycobal (a vitamin supplement)


Counseling and Acupuncture

Counseling and Psychotherapy (self-pay)

Under the guidance of experienced counselors, individualized instruction helps patients learn effectively. The current stress response is often the inevitable result of maladaptive stress-coping habits acquired during one’s developmental process. From this perspective, illness is not a random occurrence. Reflecting on the process leading to illness and discovering and nurturing a new self is an important life experience.

Acupuncture Treatment (self-pay)

This treatment is effective for those with severe neck and shoulder tension, ear pain, or those who simply want to alleviate their symptoms. It is particularly beneficial for elderly patients.

Lifestyle Improvements

◆Lifestyle Improvements

Relaxation training (to move away from a tension-prone constitution to a more efficient body and mind), mindfulness meditation, autogenic training, and progressive relaxation methods are effective.


Moderate exercise habits during the day improve metabolism and prepare many neurotransmitters necessary for deep sleep from the muscles. However, in cases of patulous eustachian tube, excessive exercise can worsen symptoms. It is known that excessive exercise can also weaken the immune system.

◆Physical and Mental Relaxation

Exercises that gently relax muscles, such as stretching, yoga, and qigong, activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

◆Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques activate the autonomic nervous system and help stabilize the body and mind. An example is alternate nostril breathing in yoga.

◆Dietary Improvements

Enhance digestive functions and improve dietary content. Ensure the intake of quality fats (such as flaxseed oil rich in omega-3) and sufficient protein. Many people may have underlying digestive weaknesses or iron-deficiency anemia. Adequate intake of protein, B vitamins, and iron is essential.

Additionally, reducing food additives, switching from refined foods (white sugar, refined salt) to alternatives like brown sugar and natural salt, improving cooking methods (reducing frying and sautéing), and increasing non-glycating cooking methods are important.

◆Nutritional Supplements

Individualized complementary therapies are important, including checking for latent anemia (measuring serum ferritin is necessary, not just serum iron and hemoglobin) and potential vitamin deficiencies.

◆Reducing Habits

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking promote arteriosclerosis and suffocate cells.


Finish bathing 1.5 to 2 hours before bedtime or take a morning bath.


Kamishoyosan, effective for this condition (especially for thin, cold-sensitive women), is originally a herbal medicine effective for menopausal sleep disorders. Achieving deep sleep requires careful consideration of daytime lifestyle habits. Adequate sleep can be achieved through proper daytime habits. Modern people’s biggest problem is overburdening their brain nerves. Daily exercise habits, appropriate stress relief, and relaxation are crucial.

◆TV, Mobile Phones, and Computers

Limit viewing time to avoid over-stimulation and excitement of brain nerve activity. The 1-2 hours before bed are particularly important. Thin patients tend to have daily nerve exhaustion, so reduce viewing time as much as possible.


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